
Thursday, 30 January 2020

Rotodynamic pumps Hydraulic performance acceptance te st s Grades 1 and2 BS EN IS0 9906:2000

Rotodynamic pumps
Hydraulic performance
acceptance te st s
Grades 1 and2

This International Standard specifies hydraulic performance tests for acceptance of rotodynamic pumps (centrifugal, mixed flow and axial pumps, hereinafter simply designated as “pumps”). It is applicable to pumps of any size and to any pumped liquids behaving as clean cold water (such as defined in It is neither concerned with the structural details of the pump nor with the mechanical properties of their components.
This International Standard contains two grades of accuracy of measurement: grade 1 for higher accuracy, and grade 2 for lower accuracy. These grades include different values for tolerance factors, for allowable fluctuations and uncertainties of measurement.
For pumps produced in series with selection made from typical performance curves and for pumps a with power input of less than 10 kW, see annex A for higher tolerance factors.
This International Standard is applicable both to a pump itself without any fittings and to a combination of a pump associated with all or part of its upstream and/or downstream fittings.

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