Monday, 30 April 2018

Critical Speeds Case Material

Critical Speeds Case Material

Critical Speeds of Rotating Bodies and Shafts :
If a body or disk mounted upon a shaft rotates about it, the center of gravity of the body or disk must be at the center of the shaft, if a perfect running balance is to be obtained. In most cases, however, the center of gravity of the disk will be slightly removed from the center of the shaft, owing to the difficulty of perfect balancing. Now, if the shaft and disk be rotated, the centrifugal force generated by the heavier side will be greater than that generated by the lighter side geometrically opposite to it, and the shaft will deflect toward the heavier side, causing the center of the disk to rotate in a small circle.

A rotating shaft without a body or disk mounted on it can also become dynamically unstable, and the resulting vibrations and deflections can result in damage not only to the shaft but to the machine of which it is a part. These conditions hold true up to a comparatively high speed; but a point is eventually reached (at several thousand revolutions per minute) when momentarily there will be excessive vibration, and then the parts will run quietly again. The speed at which this occurs is called the critical speed of the wheel or shaft, and the phenomenon itself for the shaft-mounted disk or body is called the settling of the wheel. 
The explanation of the settling is that at this speed the axis of rotation changes, and the wheel and shaft, instead of rotating about their geometrical center, begin to rotate about an axis through their center of gravity. The shaft itself is then deflected so that for every revolution its geometrical center traces a circle around the center of gravity of the rotating mass.

Critical speeds depend upon the magnitude or location of the load or loads carried by the shaft, the length of the shaft, its diameter and the kind of supporting bearings. The normal operating speed of a machine may or may not be higher than the critical speed. For instance, some steam turbines exceed the critical speed, although they do not run long enough at the critical speed for the vibrations to build up to an excessive amplitude.
In a design of steam turbine sets, critical speed is a factor that determines the size of the shafts for both the generators and turbines.
Although a machine may run very close to the critical speed, the alignment and play of the bearings, the balance and construction generally, will require extra care, resulting in a more expensive machine; moreover, while such a machine may run smoothly for a considerable time, any looseness or play that may develop later, causing a slight imbalance, will immediately set up excessive vibrations.
The formulas commonly used to determine critical speeds are sufficiently accurate for general purposes. There are cases, however, where the torque applied to a shaft has an important effect on its critical speed. Investigations have shown that the critical speeds of a uniform shaft are decreased as the applied torque is increased, and that there exist critical torques which will reduce the corresponding critical speed of the shaft to zero. 

Formulas for Critical Speeds
The critical speed formulas given in the accompanying table (from the paper on Critical Speed Calculation presented before the ASME by S. H. Weaver) apply to (1) shafts with single concentrated loads and (2) shafts carrying uniformly distributed loads. 
These formulas also cover different conditions as regards bearings. If the bearings are self-aligning or very short, the shaft is considered supported at the ends; whereas, if the bearings are long and rigid, the shaft is considered fixed. 
These formulas, for both concentrated and distributed loads, apply to vertical shafts as well as horizontal shafts, the critical speeds having the same value in both cases. The data required for
the solution of critical speed problems are the same as for shaft deflection. As the shaft is usually of variable diameter and its stiffness is increased by a long hub, an ideal shaft of uniform diameter and equal stiffness must be assumed.

N=critical speed, RPM
N1 =critical speed of shaft alone
d=diameter of shaft, in inches
W=load applied to shaft, in pounds
l =distance between centers of bearings, in inches
 b = distances from bearings to load
In calculating critical speeds, the weight of the shaft is either neglected or, say, one-half to two-thirds of the weight is added to the concentrated load. The formulas apply to steel shafts having a modulus of elasticity E = 29,000,000. 
Although a shaft carrying a number of loads or a distributed load may have an infinite number of critical speeds, ordinarily it is the first critical speed that is of importance in engineering work. The first critical speed is obtained by the formulas given in the distributed loads portion of the table Critical Speed Formulas



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