Useful workshop formulas
Useful workshop formulas
1-Heights above keyways
2-Radii on bolt ends
3-Hexagon: distance across corners
where: F = distance across flats (A/F)
C = distance across corners
4-Square: distance across corners
5-Helix angles
6-Cutting speeds (inch units)
N = 12S/š¯˛¹ d
where: N = spindle speed in rev/min
S= cutting speed in ft/min
d = cutter or work diameter (in)
š¯˛¹= 3.142
7-Cutting speeds (metric units)
N = 1000 S /š¯˛¹ d
where: N= spindle speed in rev/min
S = cutting speed in m/min
d = cutter or work diameter (mm)
š¯˛¹= 3.142
8-Typical cutting speeds for HSS tools
---- For carbide tipped tools, see manufacturersā€™ literature.
-----If the calculated spindle speed is not available on the machine gearbox, always use the next lower speed, never use a higher speed.
------ The above are average values when using a coolant. Experience may show that under some circumstances higher or lower speeds may be desirable.
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