Wednesday, 6 June 2018

Process Selection From design to manufacture Second edition K. G. Swift

Process Selection From design to manufacture
Second edition
K. G. Swift

The book is primarily intended to be useful to engineering businesses as an aid to the problem of selecting processes and costing design alternatives in the context of concurrent engineering. The work will also be useful as an introduction to manufacturing processes and their selection for all students of design, technology and management. The authors are very grateful to Liz Davidson of CMB Ltd for her efforts in collecting data on many of the processes included, and to Robert Braund of T&N Ltd for his contribution to extending the data sheets and particularly for his work on the effects of component section thickness and size on process selection and costing. The authors are also greatly indebted to Adrian Allen for his valuable contribution to the research concerned with methodologies for manufacturing process selection and costing.
manufacture of a component design solution it is necessary to carry out the interrelated activities of selecting candidate processes and tuning a design to get the best out of a chosen manufacturing route. These are difficult decision-making tasks that few experts do well, particularly in the situation of new product introduction.
Failure to get this right often results in late engineering change, with its associated problems of high cost and lead time protraction, or having to live with components that are of poor quality and/or expensive to make.
There is a need for specialist knowledge across a range of manufacturing technologies to enable the correct design decisions to be made from the breadth of possibilities. The difficulties faced by businesses in this area are frequently due to a lack of the necessary detailed knowledge and the absence of process selection methods.
The main motivation behind the text is the provision of technological and economic data on a range of important manufacturing processes. Manufacturing PRocess Information MAps (PRIMAs) provide detailed data on the characteristics and capabilities of each process in a standard format under headings including: material suitability, design considerations, quality issues, general economics and process fundamentals and variations. A distinctive feature is the inclusion of process tolerance capability charts for processing key material types.



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