Saturday, 25 August 2018

Dimensioning and Tolerancing ASME Y14.5M-1994

Dimensioning and
ASME Y14.5M-1994

Additions, modifications, and clarification contained in this revision of ANSI Y 14.5M- 1982 are intendedt o improve national and internationals tandardizationa nd to harmonize the United States practices and methodology with the universal standards trend toward more efficient worldwide technical communication. Coordinating and integrating these techniques into and via computer graphics and other electronic data systems for design, manufacture, verification, and similar processes is also a prime objective. Incorporating this Standard as a vehicle to assist the United States’ active participation  and competitivenessin the world marketplacei s a major goal. The emergenceo f priorities on total quality management, world-class engineering, and emphasis on compatibility with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9000 series of quality standardsh as had a significant influence in the work of the Y14.5 Subcommittee.
This revision was initiated immediately after the official release of ANSI Y14.5M- 1982 in December 1982 in response to deferred comments from that revision, new conceptual developments, new symbology, and international standards expansion. Twenty-three Subcommittee meetings and numerous working group meetings of the
ASME Y 14.5 Subcommittee were convened during the developmental period. The meetings were held in various cities around the United States. The Subcommittee’s work was coordinated as much as possible with other related ASME committees and other standard developing bodies that share a common purpose on dimensioning and tolerancing or related standards. Particularly close alliance and liaison were sought with the ASME B89 Committee on “Dimensional Metrology,” and new committees ASME Y14.5.1 on “Mathematical Definition of Y 14.5,” and ASME Y14.5.2 on “Certification of GD&T Professionals.



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