Friday, 17 August 2018

heat pipes theory design and applications Fifth Edition D.A. Reay

Fifth Edition
D.A. Reay
P.A. Kew

Recent editions of ‘Heat Pipes’ have appeared at intervals of approximately a decade. It is perhaps the last 10 years that have seen a transformation in heat pipe technology and application, characterised by, in the first case, loop heat pipes, and secondly, the mass production of miniature heat pipes for thermal management in the ubiquitous desktop and laptop computers. Millions of units per month are now being made, particularly in the Far East.
The other major change has been in the co-authorship of ‘Heat Pipes’. As readers will see from the Dedication, Professor Dunn has relinquished his role as co-author, and this has been taken over by Dr Peter Kew, who first started research on heat pipes in the 1980s. We hope that readers will judge Dr Kew to be a worthy successor
to Professor Dunn.
The changes in technological emphasis have allowed us to make some more radical changes to the book, rather than the ‘fine-tuning’ characteristic of earlier updates. To this end, we must acknowledge the referees, who assessed the contents list and made many constructive suggestions regarding the content. We hope that they find the new edition satisfies their requirements.
Particular features of the Fifth Edition are a revamped theory chapter, ‘Design Guide’ (Chapter 4), substantial additions to Chapter 6 ‘Special Types of Heat Pipe’ including sections on capillary pumped loops oscillating heat pipes and electrokinetic effects, and a chapter dedicated to electronics cooling applications. The growth in use of the World Wide Web has allowed us to replace the conventional ‘List of Manufacturers’ with a list of useful web sites. An Appendix also covers recent
papers not cited in the main text on heat pipe applications – these illustrate the breadth and depth of uses to which heat pipes have been put, or where they are the subject of feasibility studies.
Where data remain relevant, although they may be in some cases 50 years old, they are retained, as are the original data sources. Theories, wick properties, working fluids and manufacturing technologies do not change rapidly – especially where proved techniques have been successful over extended periods. We make no apologies for keeping an archive of what we believe to be useful data within one publication.



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