Pendulum Impact Machines Procedures and Specimens STP 1476
Pendulum Impact Machines
Procedures and Specimens
STP 1476
This publication consists primarily of the papers presented at the Second Symposium on Pendulum
Impact Machines: Procedures and Specimens, sponsored by ASTM Committee E28 on Mechanical
Testing and its Subcommittee E28.07 on Impact Testing. The Symposium was held on November 10,
2004 in Washington, D.C., in conjunction with the standards development meetings of Committee E-
28. The Symposium was organized to commemorate the development of and rapid advancement of
instrumented impact testing about 100 years ago, and to discuss some current issues.
This book includes the nine papers presented at the Symposium and another one submitted only
for the proceedings (with lead author Vigliotti). The papers are organized into four sections by topic:
Historical Developments in Impact Testing, Impact Test Procedures and Machine Effects, Reference
Specimens, and Issues with Instrumented Strikers. The symposium was chaired jointly by Tom
Siewert and Chris McCowan, of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, and Michael P.
Manahan, Sr., of MPM Technologies, Inc.
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