Saturday, 10 November 2018

Flammability and Sensitivity of Materials in Oxygen-Enriched Atmospheres: 12th Volume STP 1522

Flammability and Sensitivity
of Materials in Oxygen-Enriched
Atmospheres: 12th Volume
STP 1522

This is the twelfth Special Technical Publication (STP) originating from ASTM Committee G04 focusing on the Flammability and Sensitivity of Materials in Oxygen-Enriched Environments. As in the past STPs, the twelfth volume expands upon the objectives that have been carried forward since
the first STP was published in 1983. These objectives include:
• Review the current research on polymers and metals ignition and combustion;
• Overview principles of oxygen systems design and issues related to materials compatibility with oxygen; contribute to the knowledge on the most current risk management concepts, practices, approaches, and procedures used by individuals and organizations involved in the
design, use, retrofitting, maintenance, and cleaning of oxygen systems;
• Review accident/incident case studies related to oxygen systems and oxygen handling procedures;
• Provide the most current data related to the flammability and sensitivity of materials in oxygen-enriched atmospheres to designers, users, manufacturers, and maintainers of oxygen components and systems and to support Committee G04’s Technical and Professional Training
Course on Fire Hazards in Oxygen Systems and Oxygen Systems Operation and Maintenance;
• Discuss enhancement, development, and use of standards sponsored
by ASTM Committee G04 on Compatibility and Sensitivity of Materials in Oxygen Enriched Atmospheres;
• Provide a readily accessible reference addressing oxygen compatibility



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