Monday, 3 December 2018

Insulation Materials Testing and Applications: 4 th Volume STP 1426

Insulation Materials: Testing
and Applications: 4 th Volume
Andr~ O. Desjarlais and Robert R. Zarr, editors

Since its founding in 1938, ASTM Committee C16 on Thermal hlsulation has hosted over a dozen
symposia pertaining to thermal insulation and its use to increase energy efficiency in residential,
commercial, and industrial applications. This Special Technical Publication is the latest product of
the most recent of these symposia.
Since the last symposia held in 1997 in Quebec City, significant advances have been made in many
aspects of thermal engineering. On the materials side of the ledger, vacuum panel insulations have
been developed and a materials specification covering these unique insulation products is now available.
The cellular plastic insulation industry has been asked once again to re-engineer their products
to address global climate change issues associated with their blowing agents. On the experimental
side, we continue to test how good our test methods are through round robins so that we can continue
to improve them. Finally, we are developing keen interests in moisture-related material properties as
a greater number of building envelope failures appear to be caused by improper moisture control.
The existence of this STP is due to the tremendous efforts of many people. In particular, we would
like to thank the symposium organizing committee, the session chairpersons, and all of the authors
and reviewers that donated their time to this effort. Special thanks are due to Dorothy Fitzpatrick and
Crystal Kemp at ASTM for the organizational skills and their support.
Finally, the editors would like to dedicate this STP to their colleague and close friend David
McElroy. Throughout his long association with ASTM Committee C t 6 on Thermal Insulation, Dave
has inspired us with his immeasurable contributions. When he spoke, we all listened because we
knew that his comments were well thought out and without bias. There was hardly a ballot item that
did not benefit from Dave's critical examination and review. Thankfully, he was always the gentleman
and only submitted comments! He will be sorely missed both during and after the business portion
of the meetings. Dave, we wish you the best of luck and happiness in whatever endeavor you pursue.



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