Saturday, 15 June 2019

Pipe Hanger Design Software TRI*HANGER™

Pipe Hanger Design Software

TRI*HANGER™ provides the user with a tool that:
1- Designs the pipe supports the user wants with a minimum of effort when you enter:
                   - Operating Load or Installed Load
                   - Pipe Displacement at the Pipe Support
                   - Installed Height (Support) or Length (Hanger)
                   - Pipe Diameter
                   - Temperature of the Pipe
                   - Pipe Support Assembly or Sequence of Components Desired
2- Automatically adds hardware weight to design loads to ensure more accurate support sizing.
3- Design categories include:
Rigid hangers, variable spring hangers, constants, sway struts, braces, hydraulic snubbers, pipe shoes, slide bearings, hold down clamps, and dynamic restraints.
4- Insure that installed height (support) or installed length (hanger) can be met for each assembly.
5- Generate professional looking drawing for each hanger assembly including components, 
6- dimensions, and design characteristics.
7- Automatically generates spreadsheet reports that can easily be exported to Excel.
Easy submit a request for quotation for designed supports.



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