
Saturday, 7 December 2019

Multiple Units Staging Efficiency Calculator (MUSEC)

Multiple Units Staging Efficiency Calculator (MUSEC)                      Multiple Units Staging Efficiency Calculator (MUSEC)

Multiple Units Staging Efficiency Calculator 


This program is intended for use with the Danfoss Cascade Controller  option for either the VLT 6000 HVAC drive or the VLT 5000 AQUA drive,  where available, when:

    - the option is used for pumping systems configured for
      Master/Slave cascade operation, and

    - the option is programmed for Master/Slave control.

MUSEC will calculate the frequencies at which the pumps are staged ON  and OFF in order to obtain the optiumum operating efficiency from the  systems. The calculations are based upon user supplied flow, head, and  efficiency data, obtained from the pumping system design data and from
the pump manufacturer's pump curves. The staging frequency data is then to be entered into the program parameters of the Master Drive.  The parameter numbers are identified in   M U S E C  where  the  staging frequencies are displayed.

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