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جاري التحميل ...


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جديد الأخبار
جاري التحميل ...
جاري التحميل ...

belt conveyors and belt elevators by john wily

belt conveyors  and belt elevators  by john wily                    belt conveyors  and belt elevators  by john wily 

belt conveyors  and belt elevators  by john wily 

This is intended to be a practical book. It is not a mere restatement of what already appears in trade advertisements, nor does it contain descriptions of installations of conveying and elevating machinery. It aims rather to explain principles and the reasons for doing things. The present volume describes Belt Conveyors and Belt Elevators. These machines are so generally useful and suit so many kinds of materials under so many operating conditions that they are used to illustrate some of the prin- ciples underlying the general subject of the design and use of conveying and elevating machinery and to serve as an introduction to that subject. The business of designing, making and selling such machinery is hardly more than forty years old; for thirty years of that time th'e author has been active in it, at the drafting board, in the shop, and in the field supervising the erection and operation of the machinery. For thirteen years the author was chief engineer of one of the largest companies in the business, was responsible for the design of all kinds of elevating and conveying machinery, and acquired valuable experience in dealing with suggestions and complaints from users of the machin- ery and in co-operating with them in improvements in design and manufacture. The aim has been to present that experience in such a form as to be useful to men who have material to handle and who want to know more of the " how " and " why " of conveying and elevating by belts than can be told in the catalogs and advertisements of manufacturers. The information given will be of use also to consulting engineers who have to advise in the selection of the proper machinery to do certain work, to engineers and draftsmen who design such machinery, and also to students in technical schools and colleges. Much of the information published in this book has never appeared in print and for a great deal of it, the author is indebted to his friends, some of them business associates, some of them business competitors. To each of them he returns his sincere thanks.

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