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جاري التحميل ...


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جديد الأخبار
جاري التحميل ...
جاري التحميل ...

Bearing Design in Machinery Engineering Tribology and Lubrication

Bearing Design
in Machinery
Engineering Tribology
and Lubrication

Most engineering schools offer senior courses in bearing design in machinery. These courses are offered under various titles, such as Tribology, Bearings and Bearing Lubrication, and Advanced Machine Design. This book is intended for use as a textbook for these and similar courses for undergraduate students and for self-study by engineers involved in design, maintenance, and development of machinery. The text includes many examples of problems directly related to
important design cases, which are often encountered by engineers. In addition, students will find this book useful as a reference for design projects and machine design courses.
Engineers have already realized that there is a need for a basic course and a textbook for undergraduate students that does not focus on only one bearing type, such as a hydrodynamic bearing or a rolling-element bearing, but presents the big picture—an overview of all bearing types. This course should cover the fundamental aspects of bearing selection, design, and tribology. Design engineers require much more knowledge for bearing design than is usually taught in
machine design courses.
This book was developed to fill this need. The unique approach of this text is that it is not intended only for scientists and graduate students, but it is specifically tailored as a basic practical course for engineers. For this purpose, the traditional complex material of bearing design was simplified and presented in a methodical way that is easily understood, and illustrated by many examples
However, this text also includes chapters for advanced studies, to upgrade the text for graduate-level courses.

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