Saturday, 27 October 2018

Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics: 37th Volume STP 1526

Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics:
37th Volume
STP 1526

This special technical publication (STP1526) is a compilation of papers presented by several authors at the Ninth International ASTM/ESIS Symposium on Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics (37th National Symposium on Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics) and published in the Journal of ASTM
International (JAI) after successful peer reviews. The International Symposium was jointly sponsored by ASTM Committee E08 on Fatigue and Fracture and the European Structural Integrity Society. The Symposium was held during May 20–22, 2009 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, in
conjunction with the May 18–19, 2009 standards development meetings of ASTM Committee E08.
The opening Jerold L. Swedlow memorial lecture was delivered at the Symposium by Professor Dr.-Ing. Karl-Heinz Schwalbe on analytical models for fatigue crack propagation and fracture. The symposium focused on three major tracks of fatigue and fracture of structures and materials under 1)
thermomechanical conditions, 2) multiaxial loading conditions, and 3) application of cohesive zone models to fracture problems. In addition, several papers were presented at the Symposium in the traditional areas of fatigue behavior, fracture mechanics and mechanisms, fatigue crack propagation,
and effects of residual stresses on fatigue and fracture.



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