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جديد الأخبار
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جاري التحميل ...

Procurement Standard for Gas Turbine Information to be Supplied by User and Manufacturer ANSI 8133.10- 1981

Procurement Standard for
Gas Turbine Information
to be Supplied by User
and Manufacturer
ANSI 8133.10- 1981

The intent of this Standard is to provide a means for rapid communication between the user and manufacturer relative to requests for proposals by the user and the tendering of proposals by the manufacturer.
The use of the prestructured forms contained in this Standard will facfiitate the preparation of this information and ensure consistency of submission by the various manufacturers who may be requested to submit proposals. The forms cross-reference the appropriate information contained in the other sections of the Gas Turbine
Procurement Standard. Definitions are contained in Section 8133.1, Gas Turbine Terminology, and as expanded in the appropriate other technical sections of the Standard.
The user may designate which items of Sections 3, 4, or S of this Standard he desires the manufacturer to complete. The user should check only those items which are needed to make the evaluation. The user may also supplement Section 2 if he has additional information he desires to communicate to the manufacturer.
Items applicable only to generator drive-applications are marked with a Gin the left-hand margin and items limited only to mechanical drive applications are marked with an M in the •eft-hand margin of this Standard. All other items are applicable to both generator drive and mechanical drive applications.

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