Implementing and Improving an Energy Management System ISO 50001
Implementing and Improving an Energy
Management System
How to Meet the Requirements of
ISO 50001
First principles matter
Ask around and you wi l l find that everybody has a different experience of implementing an ISO standard. Our view is that often people come unstuck because nobody has bothered to explain to them some of the basics about how ISO standards work. It is important that you do understand, because if you do not, then you have a great ri sk of blundering around in the trees not knowing what wood you are in.
This need to understand some fundamental principles is even more important in the case of energy. There are some fundamental technical or scientific principles that apply throughout the field of energetics. If you get to know how these fundamental principles apply in the context of a
standard such as ISO 50001 before you start your implementation, then your chances of success are improved.
This book wi l l be of help to those who have experience of management system standards (MSSs) but not of energy management, or vice versa. If you have experience of energy management, then thi s book should be sufficient as it stands to al low the implementation of ISO 50001 . If you do not have experience of energy management but do have experience of implementing MSSs, then thi s book should be sufficient for you to understand what consultancy/experience in relation to energy you need to find in order to augment your experience with MSSs.
Great post.I'm glad to see people are still interested of Article.Thank you for an interesting read........
iso 50001 energy management system
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