Standard for Verification and Validation in Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer ASME V&V 20-2009
Standard for
Verification and Validation
in Computational Fluid
Dynamics and Heat Transfer
ASME V&V 20-2009
This Standard addresses verifi cation and validation (V&V) in computational fl uid dynamics (CFD) and computational heat transfer (CHT). The concern of V&V is
to assess the accuracy of a computational simulation. The V&V procedures presented in this Standard can be applied to engineering and scientifi c modeling problems ranging in complexity from simple lumped masses to 1-D steady laminar fl ows to 3-D unsteady turbulent chemically reacting fl ows. In V&V, the ultimate goal of engineering and scientifi c interest is validation, which is defi ned as the process of determining the degree to which a model is an accurate representation of the real
world from the perspective of the intended uses of the model. However, validation must be preceded by code verifi cation and solution verifi cation. Code verifi cation establishes that the code accurately solves the mathematical model incorporated in the code (i.e., that the code is free of mistakes for the simulations of interest). Solution verifi cation estimates the numerical accuracy of a particular
calculation. Both code and solution verifi cation are discussed in detail in Section 2.
The estimation of a range within which the simulation modeling error lies is a primary objective of the validation process and is accomplished by comparing a simulation result (solution) with an appropriate experimental result (data) for specifi ed validation variables at a specifi ed set of conditions. There can be no validation without experimental data with which to compare the result of the simulation. 1 Usually a validation effort will cover a range of conditions within a domain of interest.
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